Skin Treatment

Skin Treatment


Skin Treatment For Problem Skin

There has been an increasing number of skin allergies in dogs and skin problem in dogs. There could be various causes leading to skin problems like, diet, poor immune responses, hormonal changes, and even congenital predisposition. Fear not, we will do our best to provide your dog skin treatments and advise you on details that you must look out for to properly care for your dog. Skin problems usually takes some time to heal and requires patience and proper care. Do note that we should not resort to the quick fix. Quick fixes usually mean the regular use of Antibiotic treatment that could destroy our pet’s immune system. Every living animal has natural flora of good bacteria and is essential for their health and immune responses. Regular antibiotic use can destroy good bacteria their gut and should not be used unless absolutely necessary with the advice of a good veterinarian. In essence this means that most Pets suffer from allergies at one point or another in their lives, and with the proper interventions like regular shower and external treatments we can soothe their itch and maintain their skin health, this treatment allows them to heal naturally utilising their body’s immune responses to fight any infection.

At Masmasgroomers, we have a variety of skin treatment for dogs that target different skin problems. It is definitely not an overnight solution, it would take time, but this is to ensure the comfort and the optimal health of our furry ones. It is often necessary to suppress the symptoms of itching and skin infection in dogs, whilst allowing them time to recover by their own immune responses. When we do this, we will not compromise their immune system and their immune system is very essential to see them thru their entire lives and into old age.

In any instance where there are serious yeast infections and parasitic infections, we would definitely inform and advice you to seek immediate professional veterinary intervention to ensure your pet well-being is being taken care of.


Skin Treatment Spa

For Mild to Moderate Skin Problems

Weekly Spa Treatment

For dogs with mild to moderate skin issues, it is beneficial to do a weekly shower and spa. This is to alleviate itching and scratching thus giving rise to secondary skin infections and prevent worsening of the problem.

For Moderate to Serious Skin Problems

Twice Weekly Spa Treatment

For dogs with moderate to serious skin problems, regular shower of twice a week is necessary to alleviate the symptoms. We will use Cure Solution Dog Allergy shampoo and treatment that is suited to the needs of your pet to ensure that their natural protection from their skin is protected to produce moisture and their natural oils for self-healing.As pet owners, it is important to cater time to shower your pets to keep them clean to prevent yeast related problems that is one of the most common issue afflicting dogs.

Some Signs of your dog suffering from skin problems
  1. Itching – scratching vigorously with their back legs or rubbing against household furniture’s.
  2. Biting or licking their skin.
  3. Hair Loss – This is caused by allergic reactions, bacterial infections, fungal infections, or parasite.