Our Values

Our Values


Safety. For a Dog Grooming Salon with safety as a Core Value. Safety is no longer just an observation, a rule nor a program. Safety becomes our way of life.


Unwavering Commitment to our values, to our customers, to our Little Pet friends and to our Staff. This will set the foundations for our organisation and will be the bane of our existence.


Care and Compassion for Animals. We have built a culture of Care and Empathy for all animals.


Consideration. To show Consideration for individual Pet’s needs, their Age, their character, their state of health and varying emotional states in different individuals.


Ethics. Honesty, Truthfulness, Integrity. We will consider these Principles before carrying out any tasks.


Sensitivity. Being sensitive to the needs of our little Pet Friends, who cannot speak to us. Learning their ways, intuitive sense on the energies they emanate and understanding what they want from us. It can be simple things like knowing when they are thirsty or when they need to relieve themselves.


Self-Education. Continuing education, Motivation to learn. We are committed to lifelong learning and seek to continuously increase our knowledge and skills in Pet Care as well as in our communication skills in customer service. We want to pave the way for Dog Groomers in Singapore to be known as the Educated Pets Professionals.



To become the foremost leaders in Pet care and Dog grooming Services; that enhances the well-being of your pet and creates value and convenience for its owners.



Masmasgroomers aims to build an inclusive environment for pets, owners and staff where compassion and competency can co–exist synergistically to provide value for our customers and enhance the welfare of each pet.